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Discover the history of the Zetland Ladies’ Club and how they continue their original objectives – social, cultural, benevolent.
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]The formation of the Zetland Ladies’ Club was suggested at a Vulcan Lodge Ladies’ Evening Dinner Dance in 1951, in a speech given by the Worshipful Master’s Lady, Mrs Pollard, responding on behalf of the Ladies to the toast to the Ladies. Her speech gave her the opportunity to voice an idea that she had, that although it was lovely for all wives of freemasons to be treated once a year to be wined and dined by the gentlemen, wouldn’t it be nice if the ladies were able to meet together more regularly , perhaps once a month, for Afternoon Tea?
She had booked a venue in Middlesbrough at a well-known café, and suggested any lady present who was the wife of a freemason to go along. Although at first some of the men were a little reticent, in case the ladies came straying into their territory, the majority of the freemasons thought it was a lovely idea, and encouraged their ladies to go along and see if they thought it was a good idea. The idea was very popular when a large number of ladies attended. The room was full, and Zetland Ladies’ Club ended up with 200 members and a waiting list of 5 years! A President and a committee was formed.
It was suggested by the ladies that the club would be named Zetland Ladies Club after the Marquis of Zetland, who was Provincial Grand Master at that time. A visit was arranged for the President and some committee members to meet him and request his permission for the name to be used. The Marquis of Zetland was delighted with the idea, and so the club became the Zetland Ladies’ Club.
The club met for Afternoon Tea, to chat, make friendships, exchange recipes, share their love of various hobbies such as needlework and flower arranging, and from time to time arrange for someone to give a talk about various topics including travel and interesting lives that they have led.
An Autumn Fayre was arranged so that the various skills of the members could be displayed and shared, and any money raised from the event given to charity. So the objectives of the club became: SOCIAL, CULTURAL and BENEVOLENT.
The Club has continued to meet every 4th Tuesday in the month at the Masonic Hall, Roman Road, Middlesbrough. It is now open to all wives, widows, partners and daughters of Freemasons, and regularly welcomes new members and guests for Afternoon Tea! The Ladies continue to meet together to chat, listen to an interesting talk, and even enjoy some musical entertainment, especially at Christmas! Many events have been held where thousands of pounds have been raised and distributed to various local charities and hospitals, and to the Provincial Grand Charity of Yorkshire North and East Ridings. We are always looking to welcome new members who are the wives, widows, partners or daughters of freemasons so if you are interested and would like more information, please contact us at zetlandladies1951@outlook.com
Looking forward to meeting you soon![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]